"La Garde meurt mais ne se rend pas. Vive l'Empereur Napoléon, vive la France!"

- Monsieur Nicholas Chauvin

This blog was written in defence of male superiority and patriarchal dominance; it was written with the idea in mind that all women are breeders and homemakers who belong in the kitchen. The blog itself was initially conceived of as being a great counter-offensive against the twin evils of both feminism and liberal socialism.

Women should NEVER have been given the right to vote!

Women should NEVER have been given the right to vote!

Women have no sense of humour...

Women have no sense of humour...

All women should cover their ugly faces in public!

All women should cover their ugly faces in public!
The best way to discipline a western woman is to have her draped in a burkha...

Friday, August 22, 2008

The Economic Dimension of Female Sexuality

It is often said by feminists that men commodify women as sex objects; however, what is forgotten is that women commodify men both economically and physically as walking ATM machines, status symbols, and big muscles. When it comes to men, building female attraction is based on two things and two things only:

1. Money or the ability to acquire material resources.

2. High levels of testosterone-fuelled aggression or physical strength.

Christ, women are such narrow, materialistic, superficial creatures!

Women supply sex as a means of facilitating socio-economic exchange, which in its broadest possible conceptualization, operates as a reliable means of barter. It involves the trade of both material and non-material goods and services where men are both the consumers and buyers of sex. Sexual relations between both sexes functions as a means of financial exchange in which the roles participated in by both genders within a heterosexual marketplace are highly asymmetrical; sex is a female service or social resource that the woman as supplier will use as a means of barter for the highest marketable price, in the form of capital or natural resources, that she can command on both her sexuality and reproductive biology under the prevailing circumstances in which the act of economic exchange takes place.

In stark contrast, male sexuality is relatively worthless and cannot be exchanged for material goods; no man can command any price on either his body or his ability to simultaneously impregnate multiple females within the space of a few hours; even a man who is relatively virginal or of chaste reputation cannot command anything economically for his sexuality and could face derision as a result for even attempting to do such. In western industrial capitalist societies, the underlying parameters which determine how the heterosexual marketplace mediates the economic matrix through which sexual transactions are mediated is determined by the autonomous sex drive of men and the relative sexual frigidity of most women. It is also substantially moulded by the fact that men have both historically and contemporaneously been in a position to accumulate the most amount of resources. Ultimately, this psycho-physiological fact alone enables women to have a certain degree of individual choice; it allows them to optimally maximize their ability to select the most desirable mate. It would also be pre-determined by the reality that norms and prescriptions concerning sex as a resource for economic exchange would presumably enlighten women as to the maximum amount of resources she can command for both her vagina and womb from the competing males around her.

Sex functions as a social resource for women because of her greater investment in parenthood, including a nine month period of foetal gestation and possible death in childbirth. Sex also has potentially negative consequences for women, as opposed to men, and therefore women are driven to apply a kind of cost-benefit analysis that evaluates the economic rationality of any market-driven process of partner selection; this immediately transforms sex into a benefit that men have to pay for in one form or the other. Another reason for why sex is a female resource is because of the differential strength in sex drive between both genders. For this, there is a considerable amount of empirical information supporting the relative frigidity of the human female; these can be readily enumerated as being the fact that the overwhelming majority of prostitutes are women and that male prostitutes, with very rare or unusual exceptions, service a male clientele only.

Given the greater male physical strength and higher levels of aggression, it is almost physiologically inevitable that men are almost always expected to be the ones to contribute resources and expend a large amount of time and energy in the process of charming a woman, whereas the female role in ritualized human courtship is really the logical extension of the prostitute’s role in attracting male clients. In addition, infidelity on the part of the woman is punished much more harshly than on the part of the man; this is very much conducive with the idea that sex is a resource supplied by females and that female sexuality is considerably of greater value than male sexuality.

According to the principle of social exchange theory, the person who has the least interest in a relationship is the one who exerts the most amount of influence. Thus, because men desire sex more than women. Men are intrinsically biologically motivated to seek out sexual gratification as an end in itself, whereas few women are internally driven seek out sex as an end in itself. It is this aspect of neuro-endocrinological sexual differentiation between both genders that places women in the advantageous position of being able to exert a considerable amount of leverage within the hetero-social interaction itself, blindly coercing the male into a position of powerlessness, provided he stays within the norms of socio-sexual behaviour prescribed by the overarching cultural framework we, as autonomous social subjectivities, are expected to operate within.

Another possible reason for sex being exchanged by women for both material goods and monetary media of exchange is because men are often physically stronger and more intelligent than women are and because of this have greater earning power than women do; in order to increase her access to those material resources monopolized by men, women are driven to use sex as a bargaining chip in the sexual negotiation of rights over her own body. However, it is possible to argue that the accumulation of capital amongst men and the economic differential between both genders is largely driven by female-female competition for the most desirable or dominant male.

The marriage gradient, extensively documented by J. Bernard (1982), in which husbands have more economic and social clout than wives and both high-status women and low-ranking men are routinely left out, is almost exclusively driven by the fact that women regard the sex act itself as a mode of exchange by which the woman accumulates status and resources for herself. This is because female sexuality and male sexuality cannot be exchanged economically the one for the other in an act of equitable distribution; the man must always offer something more by way of money, material goods, status, or commitment to compensate for whatever deficit his sexuality might bring to the relationship. As a general rule, the man must always be in a much better position economically, politically, and socially than the woman. The fact that the primary physiological urge amongst females is the maternal instinct and that women are more susceptible to disease than men often makes it necessary for the woman to maximize her ability to acquire as many resources as possible so as to successfully reproduce healthy viable offspring and ensure her livelihood and protection in a world characterized by male patriarchal dominance. The conclusion is inescapable; women are responsible for the status and economic differential between both genders.

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Are all women whores?

Are all women evil incarnate?

Finally, something that ALL women are good at... BEING WHORES!

Finally, something that ALL women are good at... BEING WHORES!


The burkha is the only antidote to liberal socialism and feminism!