Given the centrality of orgasm in the full achievement of male reproductive and sexual capacity, it is impossible to speak of any man as suffering from sexual frigidity. Because frigidity is a problem which is exclusively physical, rather than psychic, in origin, it is only applicable to women, given the fact that on an anatomical level, women are not physiologically designed to achieve orgasm through intercourse because of the great distance of the clitoris from the vaginal introitus, as well as the fact that the clitoris possesses very few or no nerve endings whatsoever. Even on an historical and clinical level, sexual frigidity, or more technically anorgasmia, has always been associated with female sexual dysfunction where orgasm and sexual pleasure are marginal or relatively unimportant to the achievement of maximum female reproductive functioning. On the other hand, there is a considerably lower prevalence of male sexual problems compared to a female sexuality that is frequently plagued by both dysfunctionality and psychopathology; in addition, the root cause of male sexual dysfunction is largely due to psychological factors. Furthermore, the forms of hypoactive sexual desire that often afflict women with great frequency are anorgasmia (the modern clinical equivalent of sexual frigidity), dyspareunia and vaginismus, whereas with men, it is premature ejaculation, erectile dysfunction and delayed orgasmic response.
Thus, although no man can be clinically spoken of as being anorgasmic, it must be noted that the overwhelming majority of women are essentially frigid beings who are almost completely devoid of sexual passion, or experience virtually no sexual desire whatsoever. According to the most recent statistical computations based on raw data derived from an in-depth analysis of the social organization of human sexuality, 71% of women are incapable of achieving orgasm through intercourse, compared to less than 3% of men who have similar difficulties. Although there is a consensus amongst many scholars that approximately 46% of all women, regardless of chronological age, happen to be completely incapable of experiencing sexual desire or achieving any degree of sexual physiological arousal whatsoever, some scholars have actually estimated the prevalence of female hypoactive sexual desire disorder (lack of sex drive) to be as high as 52.4% amongst naturally menopausal women. Another 66% of women are unconquerably frigid or completely anorgasmic, being physiologically incapable of achieving orgasm through masturbation, compared to less than 1% of men.
Even under the most repressive conditions, such as abuse or war, men are still significantly more sexual than women, who often lack sex drives and are generally physiologically incapable of producing any kind of orgasmic response. Male sexual desire is much more difficult to suppress and men have a greater interest in both novelty and variety. From an historical point of view, male sexuality has always been much more vigorously suppressed by the state and the dominant culture than that of the relatively frigid, asexual female. How else does one explain the fact that over 90% of all arrests for sex crimes, such as rape, incest, pedophilia, voyeurism, and exhibitionism involve men? We, in the modern West, live in one of the most sexually liberated cultures known to man, yet women happen to be just as frigid and asexual as they were a thousand years ago; as a matter of fact, there has never been a culture in the history of mankind where women were just as sexual or more sexual than men. If there was ever such a thing as the cultural suppression of female sexuality, then women would be overrepresented in arrest statistics for sex crimes. However, because most women are sexually frigid and fiercely monogamous, such is not the case.
Sexual desire is operationally defined as the intrinsic, biologically driven motivation to seek out sexual intercourse for its own sake; across all scientific measures and studies of human sexuality, it has been found that women masturbate less, are less promiscuous, fantasize less, rarely respond sexually to visual erotic stimuli, despise their own genitals, have little interest in pornography and almost never have any need to pay a prostitute for sexual release. As further confirmation of the widespread existence of female passionlessness, the famous longitudinal study produced by researchers Julien, Bonchard, Gagnon, and Pomerleau (1992) of suburban Montreal couples demonstrated beyond all shadow of a doubt that almost all problems caused within marital relationships are either the fault of the low female sex drive or the high male sex drive, with the vast majority of both wives and husbands acknowledging the greater sexuality of the human male. Thus, it can be seen from the aforementioned data that women have a much more dysfunctional sexuality than men and although men have been much more violently persecuted for their sexuality down throughout the ages, they remain considerably more sexual than the relatively sexless and frigid human female.
with all due respect,are you gay?
No hes not gay. Hes telling it like it is. Im a women and I am someone who cannot stand the thought of having sex. I have been called frigid many times. And I probably am exactly that: Frigid. Plain and simple. But thats jsut how I am. And I know of several other women who are the same way. So, I know what is being said in this article is so very true. I think that the vast majority of women simply hate having sex. I have never had an orgasm and probably never will have one. I'm not sure they exist for women, or if we are even capable of having them. But I do know that I could go for the rest of my life and never have sex again. And I would be quite content with that.
any woman that says they are frigid or doesn't like having sex is a fucking freak... all women do... and this guy is mental and should be shut down.
Women are all lying whores :D
This is fucking stupid, to be frank. Myself and all of my friends love sex. What evil woman ruined you? I literally know one single female out of the hundreds of thousands of females in my life that doesn't care whether she has sex but she is a misnomer of a human being as is.
Yeah you all love sex but not as much as men. That’s a fact.
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