"La Garde meurt mais ne se rend pas. Vive l'Empereur Napoléon, vive la France!"

- Monsieur Nicholas Chauvin

This blog was written in defence of male superiority and patriarchal dominance; it was written with the idea in mind that all women are breeders and homemakers who belong in the kitchen. The blog itself was initially conceived of as being a great counter-offensive against the twin evils of both feminism and liberal socialism.

Women should NEVER have been given the right to vote!

Women should NEVER have been given the right to vote!

Women have no sense of humour...

Women have no sense of humour...

All women should cover their ugly faces in public!

All women should cover their ugly faces in public!
The best way to discipline a western woman is to have her draped in a burkha...

Sunday, April 20, 2008

On controlling women

It is incredibly inspirational to know that all of the world’s major religious traditions have always recognized the fundamental distinction between genders as being marked by the internal dialectic of male patriarchal dominance and complete female subordination and debasement. Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, Judaism, and Christianity have all understood all women as being essentially sick, twisted, evil creatures in need of superior masculine guidance.

One text I would love to recommend to all of my male readers is the so-called Laws of Manu or the Manu Smriti (in Sanskrit), one of the oldest Hindu religious and legal texts amongst a collection of works known as the Dharmasastra, the composition of which dates from around 200 BC. Regardless of whatever one’s opinions on religion are, I firmly believe that even the most atheistic and materialistic of men can still profit enormously from the great wisdom and insight offered into the character of women and the nature of femininity provided by the Laws of Manu. It is a very spiritually uplifting work and can provide a tremendous amount of encouragement and inspiration for all those men seeking to keep their wives and mistresses under the control of an iron fist. Some of the great and timeless pearls of wisdom contained within the Laws of Manu include,

It is the nature of women to seduce men in this world; for that reason the wise are never left unguarded in the company of females. For women are able to lead astray in this world not only a fool, but even a learned man, and to make him a slave of anger and desire. (Manu, 2: 213-214)

By a girl, by a young woman, or even by an aged one, nothing must be done independently, even in her own house. (Manu, 5: 147)

Though destitute of virtue, or seeking pleasure elsewhere, or devoid of good qualities, yet a husband must be constantly worshipped as a god by a faithful wife. (Manu, 5: 154)

The rightly celebrated, yet controversial, ninth section of the Laws of Manu contains a vivid portrait of how thoroughly perverse and satanic all women are. One can readily see from the opening paragraphs of section IX itself that the knowledge that “all women are whores” is many thousands of years old.

It was once famously quipped upon the discovery and publication of the Laws of Manu by the Indologist Sir William Jones in 1794, that the British Raj thereafter almost universally neglected the education of women throughout their colonial occupation of India. It was widely known that the strong legal prohibitions against women reading or even touching the sacred Vedic literature in the Laws of Manu were widely interpreted by the English colonizers as justifying the total subjugation of women through denying them any access to education, not just in India but everywhere. It also revealed that male dominance and female inferiority has been sanctioned by Hinduism as the supreme law of India for untold millenia.

Thus, I think that the Laws of Manu should be essential reading for all virile men regardless of religious or even spiritual conviction. No philosophically inclined chauvinist should lead his life in abysmal ignorance of it. Let no man who wishes to dominate and fully control his wife or mistress be without knowledge of its contents. It is one of the many ancient works revealing how cold, selfish and incredibly mentally limited all women are in a most didactic, picturesque way. Even Friedrich Nietzsche, that immortal prophet of a will to power the natural consequence of which is pure, unadulterated masculinity, declared that the New Testament pales in comparison to the Laws of Manu. He saw all other ethical codes as simply imitations or gross caricatures of it. Nietzsche saw the Laws of Manu as being a salubrious breath of fresh air amidst the frozen wastes of Christian “slave morality.”

No comments:

Are all women whores?

Are all women evil incarnate?

Finally, something that ALL women are good at... BEING WHORES!

Finally, something that ALL women are good at... BEING WHORES!


The burkha is the only antidote to liberal socialism and feminism!