"La Garde meurt mais ne se rend pas. Vive l'Empereur Napoléon, vive la France!"

- Monsieur Nicholas Chauvin

This blog was written in defence of male superiority and patriarchal dominance; it was written with the idea in mind that all women are breeders and homemakers who belong in the kitchen. The blog itself was initially conceived of as being a great counter-offensive against the twin evils of both feminism and liberal socialism.

Women should NEVER have been given the right to vote!

Women should NEVER have been given the right to vote!

Women have no sense of humour...

Women have no sense of humour...

All women should cover their ugly faces in public!

All women should cover their ugly faces in public!
The best way to discipline a western woman is to have her draped in a burkha...

Friday, April 18, 2008

On female intellectual inferiority

The notion that women are intellectually inferior to men is one of the cornerstones upon which the modern psychometric investigation into gender-based differences in both fluid and crystallized intelligence, expressed as global mental capacity, is based. In fact, female intellectual inferiority can be readily demonstrated on the basis of that elementary principle of physiology which states that larger brain size = higher intellectual capacity. Thus, it has been established that men exceed women in brain size by an average of .78d. When this is multiplied by the .45 mean correlation between brain volume and g relationship derived from the research of Shoenemann et al (2000), we are left with a standard deviation of 0.351. Further multiplying this figure by 15 (the unit conversion of SD into IQ points) produces a male lead in average intelligence by about 5.265 IQ points. Therefore, because the average man has a significantly bigger brain than the average female, it can be mathematically calculated with ease that the average male is considerably more intelligent than the average female; the greater size of the average male brain in comparison to the female is central to being able to fully comprehend male intellectual superiority over the lesser mental capacity of the female.

In addition, it has been further argued by the British psychologist Richard Lynn that relative brain size and mental capacity is highly correlated; because men have larger brains than women it follows logically that men have higher levels of intelligence than women. Lynn also notes, on the basis of current psychometric research, that occupational status and income are also highly correlated with intelligence; men have greater occupational status and income than women, therefore men have higher levels of intelligence than women. Even the greater male advantage in mean intelligence, estimated by both Lynn and Irwing (2005), in their meta-analysis of gender-based differences in global intelligence as revealed on the highly g-loaded Progressive Matrices, as being roughly .33d or 5 IQ points, cannot be interpreted as being statistically insignificant.

Whether we accept a determination of the gender gap in mental capacity as being the equivalent of 8.4 IQ points in favour of males as uncovered by Stumpf and Jackson or Lynn and Irwing’s measure of male-female differences in global intelligence as being approximately 5 IQ points, it would be foolhardy to dismiss these results as being of little consequence. The effect of even a 5 IQ point gap favouring males in gender-based differences in intelligence is ultimately translated into an exponentially increased series of male-female ratios at the higher end of the normal distribution curve of intelligence. Therefore, the male advantage over the lesser intelligent female would be formulated as a ratio of 2.3:1 with IQs exceeding 130, 3:1 with IQs exceeding 145, 5.5:1 with IQs exceeding 155, and 30:1 with IQs exceeding the range of 170. Consistent with the foregoing, Benbow (1992) and Benbow et al (2000) both observe that male intellectual superiority over the lesser evolved and smaller brained female is most likely revealed in tasks of high complexity such as problem-solving with high level abstractions in mathematics, engineering, physics as well as other tasks calling for high degrees of spatial visualization, the sex-typical neurological specialization for which has been heavily integrated into the male central nervous system by a process of gradual biological evolution.

In light of the entire discussion so far, it follows that the greater advantage of the average male in both relative brain size and intelligence should also go a long way in providing an explanation for the omnipresence of male dominance throughout all social, economic, and political institutions around which human civilization is organized. The greater variability in male intelligence as opposed to female, as the German-British psychologist Hans Eysenck has pointed out, has tremendous implications for the socio-economic and political organization of human socio-sexual relations. It produces a significantly greater proportion of males at either end of the normal distribution curve of human intelligence. For example, it can be shown from the research of Benbow (1988) that of those students between the ages of 12 - 15 who scored over 700 on the mathematical section of the Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT), there was a ratio of 12.9 boys for every one girl. Thus, it is results such as these which help explain why a disproportionate number of those positions requiring high levels of intelligence or spatial and technical ability are always occupied by men; it helps elucidate the reasons as to why male patriarchal dominance has been both universal and psycho-physiologically inevitable throughout all societies and cultures.

In the final analysis, it would seem that the radical gender feminist theory of a ‘glass ceiling’, in which women face constant discrimination from men resulting in the routine social exclusion of women from the professions and senior level positions in industrial management, is shameless drivel. Male intellectual dominance over the lesser evolved and mentally inferior female is a product almost exclusively of genetic factors; it has absolutely nothing to do with the false ideological construct of male chauvinism, which essentially constitutes a theoretical leftover from the days when Marxist sociological analysis was fiercely advocated by the now defunct Frankfurt School of Dialectical Materialism.

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Are all women whores?

Are all women evil incarnate?

Finally, something that ALL women are good at... BEING WHORES!

Finally, something that ALL women are good at... BEING WHORES!


The burkha is the only antidote to liberal socialism and feminism!